ASA Meets for First Time

Harrison Le, Staff Writer

The Asian Student Association will host its first meeting on Sept. 20.

”THS never had an ASA because no one took the initiative to create an organization that focused on Asian culture,” senior Jessica Truong said. “TASA (Timberview African Student Association) was an inspiration for starting the club because of its focus on a specific culture. We saw how successful a cultural club was and decided to start one of our own.”

President Evangaline Theruvath said the goal of the organization is to help students embrace and acknowledge the Asian culture.

“I hope that more people will be comfortable with their ethnicity and for others to be more knowledgeable of the Asian culture” senior Evangeline Theruvath said.

AP Physics and Physics 2 teacher Siddharth Chatterjee is the club’s sponsor.

“I am one of the only Asian teachers at the school,” he said. “It sounded fun and interesting to see how creative the students can be.”

Theruvath said the organization will be helpful to the community.

“I hope that more people can feel welcome and learn about Asian culture,” she said. “I want to help lead this club into success.”