Alex, Sierra Release First Album

Paulina Zuleta, Staff Writer

After winning the X-Factor last season, Alex and Sierra released their first album “It’s About Us” on Oct. 7. When people sing about love it’s usually the same concept; they love each other but he let her go or something about how it will never be the same without their loved one. However, the theme of the album about Alex and Sierra’s love is that no matter how complicated life gets, they’ll always find each other.

Alex and Sierra started by auditioning with the song “Toxic” by Britney Spears on the X-Factor. From there everyone fell in love with the two, but more importantly their love for each other. Their highly popular cover song on the show was “Say Something,” which was expressed fairly well. Some artists use auto-tune to make them sound better, but the couple continues to work with their originality.

The album is a mix of Taylor Swift and One Direction, and it brings out all of your feelings. “Little Did You Know” and “Scarecrow” currently have music videos and both talk about drifting apart. A lot of their songs are upbeat and catchy like “Cheating.” The lyrics are so easy to sing along to, but I’m a bit worried that it might sound annoying later.

My favorites are “Bumper Cars” and “Broken Frame.” The slow rhythm of the beat and the elastic sound of Sierra’s voice are a soothing comfort while listening. Each song is expressed differently and to me that’s talent.

Listen to the new couple’s first album because it is worth the cost. This is only the beginning of the couple’s journey. There is still more to come, so why not check out their music now?