Water Bottle Stations Replace Fountains


Junior Kaitlyn Salee refills her water bottle.

Kaylee Martinez

Because of COVID-19, schools in the district received touchless water bottle refill stations where students can bring their own water bottles.

“Everything changed because of the virus and water fountains are one of those things that have to change,” senior Emma Zimmerman said. “It’s definitely safer because instead of putting your mouth close to the dispenser, you’re putting your water bottle up instead.”

The stations will temporarily replace water fountains, which will remain off for the entire year. 

“This is definitely a good way to still provide water for the students,” junior Suzanne Aldhhik said. “I don’t really see the water fountains being used for a while because it’s definitely a good way to spread germs.” 

The new machines are located beside water fountains. 

“The water filling stations will prevent the spread of COVID-19,” junior Nilson Murillo said. “It’s a great cautionary step to let students feel safer in returning to school. The water tastes better too.”

Previously, most students were using their own water bottles.

“I haven’t used one since I was at Gideon Middle School,” Zimmerman said. “I didn’t like using the fountains since there were too many germs.

The machine dispenses water by placing a bottle up to the machine or pressing a foot pedal. 

“I have used the water fountains during strength and conditioning over the summer,” Murillo said. “Being in sports, I need (water) to stay hydrated.”

Aldhhik said it is an easy switch. 

“For sure I’ll bring my own water bottle,” she said. “I wouldn’t take any unnecessary risks. This is much more sanitary.”