iPad 2s Exchanged for iPad 3 Minis with More Space

In the library, TaQuell McKenzie switches out her iPad 2 for the iPad 3 Mini, during the second week of school.

Skyla Westphal

In the library, Ta’Quell McKenzie switches out her iPad 2 for the iPad 3 Mini, during the second week of school.

Paulina Zuleta, Staff Writer

Students spent the second week of school in the library, exchanging their school-issued iPad 2s for new iPad 3 minis, which includes more space.

“I definitely like the new iPad mini,” senior Daria Ervin said. “It will be lighter and have more storage.”

The Mansfield Board of Education voted to switch to iPad minis last year.

“We had some kids (test) them to see which one they liked; they like the minis,” Director of Technology Support Gail Marlin said.

The iPad 3 features additional memory.

“We can get the minis with a lot more storage, for example students went from 16GB and now (they’ve) got 64GB and it was a little bit less money too,” Marlin said.

Senior Ashley Koch said that she didn’t like going through the hassle of exchanging devices.

“I don’t use it enough anyway,” she said. “I’d rather save the trouble and turn it in when I have to.”

Students had to return all of their original equipment.

“We want them (the accessories) because we can give them to the vendor but were not going to worry fuss about (it),” Marlin said. “They can just bring it another day.”

Rumors that the iPads were going to be sold to the public were false.

Marlin said, “I wish we could but we can’t.”

The iPad’s will be sold to a company.

“We had a couple of vendors that reached out to us and gave us bids and ($75) was the best offer,” Marlin said.

Ervin said that it’s going to be difficult to adapt to her new mini.

She said, “It will be a little bit smaller (and) a little bit harder (to learn) but overall it’s a better deal.”