School Holds Community Fair to Celebrate Anniversary

Brandon Castillo, Staff Writer

In an effort to commemorate its 10-year anniversary as well as promote literacy, the school will hold a Community Fair at the school this Saturday, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

“The first and most important thing it does is promote unity among the students, teachers and administrators working together to for a common goal,” Parent Liaison Eric Hurst said.

The activities and admission are free.

“There will be a rock wall, three bounce houses, one of which is an obstacle course that both adults and kids can enjoy,” Hurst said. “Also, several organization(s) will have interactive stations of various sorts, along with prizes for participants.”

Three libraries will also be present at the fair.

“Because there (are) literacy initiatives attached to this, (they) are sending out interactive (trailers),” Hurst said.

Seniors Yesenia Hernandez and Kiara Stewart will represent Student Council at the fair.

“I’m excited for the community to come together for a special cause,” Hernandez said. “It gives support to others who are unable to achieve the (literacy) help they need.”

Stewart said the school will benefit from hosting the fair.

“I’m most excited about portraying Timberview in a positive way,” she said.

Hurst said that the school has achieved a lot in 10 years.

“(Our) biggest accomplishment in 10 years is that we have consistently graduated (most) of our senior class each year,” he said. “We are confident that we put every effort into preparing them for the next level of education.”