Students Spent Summer Participating in Extra-Curricular Activities

With summer activities ranging from camps to practices, students spent early mornings and late afternoons working on improving their extra-curricular activities.

“I loved seeing my friends, meeting new people and helping out the incoming freshmen,” junior Miranda Flores said.

The Art Department held the first kids’ camp the week after school let out on June 16-20.

“It helped me connect with children and gave me a sense of responsibility,” senior Marc Johnson said. “My favorite part was recess because getting to go outside and have a good time is always so much fun.”

The Gloria Shields Publication Camp, where yearbook and newspaper learned new ideas, was held at the Marriott Quorum in Dallas June 30- July 3.

“My favorite part was when the staff became closer by coming together,” junior Jessica Almanza said.

About 140 students woke up at 7 a.m., to attend Band Camp at the school for three weeks starting on August 4.

“As a returning member it helped me brush the dust off my marching skills,” Flores said. “It also made me a better marcher.”

Flores said helping with two camps kept her busy.

“I enjoyed teaching people, being around my friends, the band directors and working on the show,” she said.

From Aug. 11-15, theater ran a kids camp where they helped children improve on their acting skills.

“It was so interesting to see the passion they already had at such a young age,” junior Ilka Megee said. “Building a relationship with them based on that was incredibly rewarding.”

Athletes also kept busy with football practice in late August on weekdays mornings.

“The best part was when we scrimmaged Cedar Hill,” senior James Martin said. “They were supposed to be the top 6A school in the state and we outplayed them.”