Seniors Have Different Plans for Prom Night

As most seniors get ready for prom, there are a few students who have different plans for tomorrow night from working to hosting their own get-togethers.

“While everyone else is at prom, me and another friend who aren’t going are probably going tothe movies and out to eat somewhere,” senior Azia Knox said. “I’m going to get home early instead of being trapped inside of a building.”

Senior Kourtney Spikes sold her tickets because her promdate was passed the age requirement.

“The person I want to go with is too old,” she said. “So I don’t want to go.”

Spikes said her mother disagrees with her decision.

“My mom really wants me to go (because) she feels like (it) is an experience that all teenagers should get,” she said.

Senior Domonique Reilly said social events were never her scene.

“I have been to dances and have always felt (like) they were pointless,” she said. “I feel like I can have just as much fun hanging with people I choose to hang out with in comfortable clothes.”

In anticipation of college expenses,senior Deiondre Blair plans to work instead.

“What am I gaining from prom?” he said. “When I’m working I’m making money, I’m losing money if I go to prom.”

Blair said he is confident about not attending prom.

“I am not getting anything out of it, and honestly I feel like in 30 years I won’t even remember the girl’s name, so why even go,” he said.

By avoiding the spending that comes with dresses, limos and parties,Knox said was left with money in her pocket.

“I know I saved $600 because the dress I really wanted was that much,” Knox said. “That will go to college tuition because I need that more than a prom dress.”

Spikes said she would be okay despite missing out on her prom.

She said,“I thought I would always go with a guy, wear a corsage and have the perfect dress, but I feel like I’m going to be good without this experience.”