Students Enjoy Bye Week Off

Roselyne Omeke, Staff Writer

After starting off the season with four consecutive games, students involved with football had Friday night off for their bye week on Sept. 30.

“My favorite thing about bye week is getting to relax after a long week of school and not having to stay up all night at the game,” senior Tristan Cash said.

Bye week gives the advantage to teams by adding an extra day to make up games, which extends the season to 17 weeks.

“Having the weekend off lets us have time to prepare as a unit for the upcoming team we’re going to face,” Defensive Tackle Justin Nash said.

Flutist Carly Roque said the bye week didn’t change her schedule.

“Everything was still the same for me,” she said. “I had practice after school and a band competition the next day.”

Nash is eager for the next game, which is Homecoming.

“The weekend off was enjoyable,” he said. “But I’m ready to get back on the field.”

Cash said not having a game gives her a chance to relax.

“To me, this week means I can get a well needed mental break from school and band,” she said. “Even though it’s only a night off.”