Heaven Is For Real Powerfully Portrays Near Death Experience

Although Heaven is for Real released April 16, the film is currently number three in box office. Based on the book, by the same name, Heaven is for Real takes a powerful turn, making viewers question life and the life-after.

Most of us haven’t had a near death experience like Colton Burpo, a 4-year old, claims he did in 2003 during an emergency surgery. He said he left his body and had a mind-blowing experience.

The Burpo family tries to make sense of their everyday life after Colton, who has a preacher as a father and has grown up in the church, claims that he went to heaven.

Despite the family’s courage to share Colton’s story, they deal with judgmental feedback from their community.

In the book, the father, Todd constantly relates Colton’s claims to multiple Bible passages. Yet in the film, there are very few Bible references.

Connor Corum takes a big role in portraying Colton Burpo in his controversial journey. With Corum acting at such a young age, this role may have been difficult for him to comprehend.

Throughout the film, many sentimental moments made me shed tears like when the people of the community continued to be in disbelief of Colton’s claims. Nevertheless, many laughs were shared with the audience in hopes of comforting the young boy.

Being that this is a movie based on religious views and beliefs, families who believe in Colton’s memorable adventure to heaven should definitely watch the movie to enjoy this experience with him.