Students Vote for Homecoming Court Thursday
The Nominations for Homecoming Court stand outside the cafeteria as they wait to have their picture taken by teacher Heather Colburn.
September 18, 2018
The final elections for queen and king will be taking place this Thursday in preparation for next Friday’s Homecoming game.
“I am excited for homecoming because it’s my first year in the court,” senior Tien Le said. “When I found out I was nominated, I was surprised that people would actually vote for me.”
Nominations for the court were decided earlier this month.
“In India we never had homecoming, so this is interesting to see students go to such efforts for this unique tradition,” teacher Siddharth Chatterjee said.
A pep rally is scheduled for next Thursday.
“I’m most excited for the pep rally,” senior Lisa Thornton said. “I’m going to continue to promote school spirit and positivity at (the school).”
Tien Le has been campaigning for homecoming king votes.
Le said, “I’ve just been doing a little bit of everything in the school like clubs and other extracurricular activities just to be elected and known.”