Advice to Keep Your Resolutions

Advice to Keep Your Resolutions

Alfredo Rendon, Staff Writer

There are many times in life where we put off doing something that we were “so” determined to do. I think that’s why at the start of every year people make promises to change themselves or improve on an area in their life, but fail to uphold the one or two commitments that they made for themselves. Here are some motivational tips for you to finally keep those commitments this new year.


The first thing to get you motivated is a few improvements that my family members have made to better their life. Due to his recent health scare, my uncle gave up smoking because he realized he needed to stop or there would be severe consequences. To start living a healthier life, my cousin worked hard to lose over 100 pounds. So yes, you too can do it. You just need a push to start.


Simply setting a goal will only get you so far. You need to make a plan on how will you keep your commitment. If you can decide how you are going to keep your commitment through the year, it will be much easier in the long run, because you know what you need to do.


Find motivation in what you’re trying to achieve, and apply a great effort in whatever you do. Never give any less than 110 percent. Giving up always seems like the best option, but have you ever thought about what would happen if you actually followed through? Find something or someone that will keep you focused, or have a picture of that person, place, or thing somewhere. If you see it every day, you are constantly reminded about what you are trying to accomplish.


This doesn’t just go for New Year’s, you can use these tips to help you with any goal that you have throughout the year. It’s getting a plan in action and staying motivated. Come up with a commitment that you know is not only achievable, but you desire to see that area improved on or changed. Self-improvement is never easy, but it can be done.