Students Participate in Senior Auctions, Switch Roles with Principal for HOG Week
In an effort to raise additional HOG Week funds, seniors who were auctioned off dressed in tutus and tights, a student walked around in the principal’s shoes for a day and Principal Derrell Douglas experienced the student life.
“It was kind of pressure free to not have to worry about what’s going on in the whole building,” Douglas said. “I think it’s good for me to become a student once a year; for just a little bit of time I get to remember what its like to be a student.”
He even dressed the part and acted rebellious is his own way.
“I was wearing my ear buds because you have to, to look cool,” Douglas said. “I was walking down the hall and Mrs. Leann Downs (AP) called my name. I thought I would pretend like I couldn’t hear her so she just let me ignore her.”
The Principal for the Day, senior Eastica Colbert, who won the position through a raffle, received a call telling her she had won the Douglas switch.
“When we were talking on the phone, it was a little bit intimidating but it wasn’t that bad coming in,” Colbert said. “Someone told me what to expect and I guess it just sounded worse than it was.”
Several seniors were asked to dress up in costumes and given tasks to perform throughout the day.
“I had to dress like Tinker Bell, and wear heels,” senior Andres Urias said. “There were some people that were scared of me, some other ones that were laughing, and (those) that wanted to take pictures with me.”
Urias went beyond what was asked.
“If you gave me a dollar, I twirled around and threw pixie dust everywhere saying ‘you only need faith, trust and a little bit if pixie dust,’” he said.
Senior Conner Moehring also had fun entertaining students and contributing to HOG week activities.
“I made a lot of people laugh and smile so that made me feel good,” he said. “I had to dress up in a diaper, bunny ears and dance for money, but I liked walking around and dancing to raise money for Daniel.”