Students begin school virtually Aug. 12


Senior Zacchaeus Humes begins virtual school on Aug. 13.

Gabriel Golson

Because of COVID-19, students started the school year online from home, through electronic devices on Aug. 12.

“My least favorite part of being online was that the whole thing was kind of unorganized because teachers kept getting disconnected and people were being ‘booted’ from the class,” sophomore Rhayan Earl said. 

Technical issues included programs like Canvas and Microsoft TEAMS not opening and students not being able to sign in. 

 “The servers went down multiple times since so many people were trying to login,” junior Preston Calmes said. “People kept getting kicked for the same reasons.”

Some students struggled with taking online lessons seriously. 

“In school (in person) I care more,” Earl said. “While doing virtual school, I would usually just search up the questions and get the answers online.” 

With interruptions like siblings yelling and dogs barking on screen, some students have trouble concentrating.

“Virtual school is hard to focus on because people keep disrupting class with all the back(ground) noise,” junior Alexis Cruz said. 

Teachers’ rules vary on camera use and most students are taking advantage of the relaxed dress code.

“Some teachers don’t care if you are on camera or not,” Earl said. “But you’re waking up early in the morning, and do you really want people to let people see you in your pajamas in bed?”

Students weren’t the only one who were struggling with the online start.

“It’s outrageously difficult for us teachers too,” teacher Jonathan Newton said. “The stress of teaching online comes from both sides of the tables.”

With the return date set for Sept. 8, many students are excited about returning.

“Even though I feel like it’s going to be more challenging going back to school, I want to go back because I feel like that will ensure I still have good grades,” Cruz said. 

Students will choose between continuing virtually or attending in-person. 

“I’m going back,” Calmes said, “I am looking forward to school starting because it is more simple when you’re back in class since there aren’t as many assignments given at once.”