Seniors Think Outside of Box for New Prom Fundraiser
The senior class officers plan to have more activity nights like Alley Cats in order to help raise money.
In an effort to raise money for prom, Student Council held a fundraiser on Sept. 23 at Alley Cats.
“Student Council wanted to do fun spirit nights, so we called around and saw what was best for us,” Senior Class President Hailey Hargis said.
Because of the guidelines in the Texas School Nutrition Policy (TSNP), the school can no longer sell sweets as a way to earn money for prom.
“It’s a little challenging to not sell chocolate right now, but we do have some ideas on how to try and make up for those monies,” Senior Class Sponsor Kimberly Pena said. “We are also looking into some items that will meet the nutritional value, (so) we could sell at school.”
Alley Cats provided students multiple ways to interact.
“Our intent was just to provide a fundraiser that was different than those done in the past,” she said. “You can still eat and help us that way, but now you can bowl, play laser tag and video games as well.”
The event fell on a Tuesday, which conflicted with previously planned school activities.
“It was put on a date in which sports activities are done and a school night,” senior Alexia Fagget said.
Student Council has come up with additional ideas.
“(The) senior class officers are working on other activity nights as well as some food nights,” Pena said. “Our big fundraisers, that we will offer seniors individually, are selling butter braids in the fall and cookie dough in the spring.”