‘Five Nights at Freddy’s 2’ Frightens Players Even More

December 16, 2014
Creator Scott Cawthon has recently released “Five Nights at Freddy’s 2.” This sequel is currently number three on the App Store’s top paid list just above the original. This new and improved game has many differences, but the main one is that it’s even scarier than the first game.
There are additional creepy animatronics. Cawthon has added several new characters to the game bringing the total to 11, though some of the old characters don’t appear in the second game.
The many major differences make the game even harder to beat. There are no doors this time. So, when a character shows up by the side of your office the only thing you have to protect yourself is the old Freddy mask. The mask is supposed to trick the animatronics into thinking you’re one of them. Eventually, they leave you alone. With one exception, Foxy the Pirate, who isn’t fooled by the mask, will still attack if you have it on. You have to flash your light at him from time to time in order to get rid of him.
Another modification includes a space in the office that lies right in front of you. You have to use your flashlight to see if any characters have gotten inside. Also, there is now a music box that you have to wind-up in order to keep the characters from getting to you. Apparently, when they hear noise they focus more on that than on you, but when the music stops they go to the place with the most signs of life, which happens to be your office.
On the first night, nothing exciting happens for the most part. The characters will move around, but mostly you won’t be in any danger. On the second night it becomes much harder. You constantly have to rewind the music box while searching for the animatronics as they quickly roam from room to room.
Some of the new characters start to appear at this point and believe me, you will not see them coming. A new clown character pops out of the dark to attack you, with no warning. Sometimes, you’ll even check every room for a certain character and they will not be there.
I cannot explain the whole game though because it’s so difficult that I could not get passed the second night. For days I tried and tried but was never successful. I’m still going to keep trying until I beat it. Hopefully, if you decide to play this game, you’ll have better luck than I did.