Nintendo Releases New Pokémon Game Remake

Tiffany Le, Staff Writer

Just in time for the holidays, Nintendo released a remake of the popular “Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire,” called “Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire” worldwide on Nov. 21.

For years, there have been speculations of a Hoenn remake and the news was finally confirmed on May 7.

Similar to Pokémon X and Y, the whole aspect and design of the game is in 3D. In certain places, the scenery becomes realistic as Pokémon fly overhead and the camera moves to show different viewpoints. The setting and plot of the games are mostly the same as the original with the main goal being to defeat either Team Magma or Team Aqua, depending on which version you chose. However, characters such as your rivals, Wally and Brendan or gym leader Steven Stone, become more involved and they help guide you throughout the story.

The game starts off when the player moves to the Hoenn Region because your character’s father, Norman, becomes the leader of a local gym. After this, you are allowed to choose your first Pokémon, either Treeko, Torchic or Mudkip. Like all of the other games in the Pokemon Series, you then travel around the region in hopes to complete your Pokedex , collect badges and catch as many Pokémon as you can all while attempting to defeat either Team Magma or Team Aqua.

Within this remake, there are many new features. Fans will find that there are new Pokemon in the game. New designs are given to the player’s outfit. Some characters like the villains Archie and Shelly from Team Aqua are redesigned greatly, but fans shouldn’t worry, these characters still hold a resemblance to their former style.

New Mega Evolutions, which were introduced back in Pokémon X and Y, are also making a comeback with even more Pokémon being able to evolve during battles. Some of the stones required to evolve the Pokémon can be found throughout the setting of Hoenn, which is represented by a set of sparkles that can be hard to see. Other new features include the “Primal Forms” of the Legendary Pokémon, Kyogre and Groudon, which makes them bigger and better than before as well as more ancient looking.

Last but not least is the activity on the bottom screen. While you run around on the top screen, the touch screen is filled with many devices to help you enjoy your game even more. First is the AreaNav, which shows the map of Hoenn in case you are lost. It also shows you if there are any trainers ready to have a rematch or berries around that you may have forgotten to pick.

Next is my favorite, the DexNav. It helps you capture the best Pokémon. On the top screen, there is a shadow or feature of a Pokémon seen poking out in the grass. If you go near it slowly and carefully, the touch screen shows if there is anything special about it like an unusual move or ability.

The next useful tool is the BuzzNav, which is like the radio where news around the region is broadcasted for players to hear. The last one is the PlayNav, which includes the return of Pokémon Amie that was introduced in Pokémon X and Y. This allows you to play with your Pokémon and get closer to them.

All of the traditional story and formula are the same, however with the new improvements, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire is even better than before with its new plot, graphics and features.