Flappy Bird Became Popular By Pure Luck

Flappy Bird, the #1 game in the App Store, was created by Dong Nguyen.
Tap tap, whack. Tap, whack. Tap tap tap, whack. Those are the sounds of millions of people fiercely tapping away at their virtual screens, just aching to beat their previous high score on the new viral sensation Flappy Bird.
Flappy Bird is the #1 game in the App Store. The game appears to be very simple. All you have to do is tap the screen to make the bird fly through a series of green pipes, which sounds easy enough if you haven’t had the pleasure of playing this game yet.
The app, originally released in May, by creator Dong Nguyen took only 2-3 days to program. Nguyen, who was just an ordinary guy when the app suddenly took off, drew the bird in the app back in 2012 for a platformer game but the project was cancelled.
As for advertising, the inventor didn’t use any promotional methods. Flappy Bird became popular just by old-fashioned good luck.
This game gets very frustrating because of how loose the flying feels. Many people have wanted to throw their iPad across the room once or twice after multiple failed attempts. I can’t count how many times I’ve declared myself done with the app, then five seconds later tap on the screen to start a new game: itching to get a higher score than last time.
Maybe it’s just a matter of relaxing and staying calm while playing. I’ve found that every time someone gets close to beating their score, they get too excited and quickly die. I’ve also found that staring at the bird the whole time helps get past the green pipes better. It gives the player a newfound concentration, calmness and steadiness.
But Nguyen is definitely not a one hit wonder. He has another app called Super Juggling Ball currently at #3 in the App Store. Have fun tapping away at Flappy Bird.